Sunday, September 29, 2013


Fast paced society. How do you cope with it?
It seems like we are being controlled by this society. Everything moves at such as fast speed.
It is this pace that we often failed to see the most beautiful details in life?
Slow down... It's from the slow paced that i realized that happiness can be as simple as a smile.
The simplest and purest smile that cannot be replaced.
Thinking back, we are often masked by the external factors that results in the lost of appreciation. We often want the newest, the best and the most expensive one, but, is that true happiness?

"Happiness lies in contentment."

One person, 一个人。

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Jealousy? Envy?

This feeling is horrible. Sometimes, even i don't understand myself.
Sense of fear and lost. Competing with others is unnecessary what matter most is that you have
already done your best.  Maybe is the society? Maybe is the environment that 
i have grown up in...

Hoping for the best...

Sunday, September 1, 2013


The feeling of fear. I'm sure many of us have experience this before.
The fear of losing something or someone that is close or important to you.
It has been a long time since i experienced this.
Hope that i will have the strength and courage to overcome this.


One person, 一个人